About Us

About Us

Who We Are

Founded in 1897, Chamber San Mateo County is the voice and support for businesses, institutions, employees and labor for growth, problem-solving and the bettering of our region’s quality of life. Through programs, advocacy, and opportunities to connect, the Chamber ensures business voices are heard, diverse perspectives are shared, and leadership is fostered. Serving Redwood City, San Carlos, Belmont and Menlo Park and broader San Mateo County, the Chamber is the largest business association on the Peninsula and encompasses 1,500 members, 175,000 residents and 100,000 employees.

Our Purpose

We support businesses and everyone they serve to build a brighter future for San Mateo County.

Our Promise

We are the forum where business voices are heard, engaged, supported, and elevated.

Our Difference

The Chamber uses effective engagement, diverse perspectives, and strong leadership to be a collaborative force in San Mateo County.

Our Footprint

In 2023, the Belmont Chamber of Commerce and Menlo Park Chamber of Commerce successfully transitioned their memberships to the Chamber San Mateo County. These two chambers join the San Carlos Chamber of Commerce, which transitioned its membership to the Redwood City-San Mateo County Chamber in October 2020, creating Chamber San Mateo County. With this new footprint, Chamber San Mateo County serves more than 1,500 businesses in four cities and throughout the county.

Our Priorities

1. Serving and supporting members
2. Understanding and shaping our political environment
3. Developing and using our regional influence
4. Advocacy efforts for priority issues