April Chan
April Chan
General Manager/CEO Samtrans
April Chan was appointed the General Manager/CEO of the San Mateo County Transit District effective November 1, 2022. The San Mateo County Transit District is the mobility manager for San Mateo County, which operates SamTrans fixed-route buses and Redi-Wheels and RediCoast paratransit. As the GM/CEO for the Transit District, April also serves as the Executive Director for the San Mateo County Transportation Authority which administers transportation sales taxes to fund transportation projects countywide. She is also responsible for shared staff services provided by the Transit District to the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Authority which owns and operates the Caltrain commuter railroad. Finally, she is part of the executive team that provides support to the San Mateo County Express Lanes Joint Powers Authority Board which oversees the operation of the newly minted express lanes in San Mateo County.
April has been an employee of the Transit District since April 2000 in positions of increasing responsibility, rising through the ranks from Senior Planner, Capital Programming and Grants to Chief Officer, Planning, Grants and Transportation Authority and Acting Deputy General Manager. April began her transportation career at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in 1992. She holds a JD from Santa Clara University.